Tuesday, May 25, 2010

YAY!! 300 Facebook fans - Kraft coupon booklet giveaway!!

To celebrate our milestone of 300 Facebook fans - let's have some fun and lets have a coupon giveaway!  I have this great booklet containing 6 coupons for Kraft products.  In fact I have 5 of them to giveaway, so there will be 5 winners for this!

What coupons are included in this booklet:
$1.00/1 Kool-Aid Fun Fizz Drink Drops
$1.50/1 Kraft Homestyle Deluxe Macaroni and Cheese Dinner
$1.75/1 DiGiornio Pizza & Breadsticks
$1.50/1 Kraft 100 calorie Cheese Bites
$1.50/1 Oscar Mayer Shaved Deli Meats
$1.00/1 Ritz Crackerfuls filled crackers

**These coupons don't expire until July31st so there is still plenty of time to use these**

Easy contest to enter - Simply leave a comment to this post here on the blog telling me what your favorite frugal tip is! (for example: cutting dryer sheets in half to make them last longer, saving leftover veggies in the freezer until you have enough to make soup, etc)  Easy, huh?

Bonus entries (1 entry for each of the following)::
-Suggest our FB page to friends (leave a comment telling us you did)
-Share this giveaway on your Facebook page (leave a comment telling us you did)
-Follow the blog directly (click on the new Google Connect feature we just installed today!)
-Follow us on Twitter and/or retweet this drawing (@sensiblysavcent) leave a comment letting us know!

Each person can have up to 5 entries. We will randomly choose 5 winners tomorrow at 7pm CST.

Remember to post your comments here on the blog for them to count for this drawing.  Facebook has pretty strict rules about giveaways (unless you are using their applications) and I don't want to violate any policies.

Good Luck!


Sandy S. said...

I buy my beef and tomato products whenever they are on sale, then I make a double batch of spaghetti and freeze one. Same with lasagna, soups, etc.

Sandy S. said...

I follow you on Google Friend Connect


Unknown said...

I clip coupons for everything. Sites like this one & hip2save.com are my favorite :) Whenever I make a grocery list I always go through my coupons & check online to see if there are any deals for those items, that way I am using coupons only on things I need. I am loving stores that allow 2 coupons (store + Mfg) like Walgreens & Target!

Kelly H. said...

I guess my favorite way to save is to use the store brand of most products unless I have a coupon for the brand name that would make it cheaper. hendelmandk@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

My favorite tip is to keep a close eye on the pantry, frig and freezer. Know what is in there and what is about to expire. It does no good to get bargains if they are wasted and thrown out! donnakorzun@yahoo.com

Heidi J. said...

I buy the cheap version of the Magic Erasers and cut them into thirds. They last longer and work as well as the name brand.

ThriftyMomz@yahoo.com said...

I keep a freezer and pantry inventory going -- marking off as items are used. I like to see how many meals I can make out of the items by utilizing leftovers (i.e., mashed potatoes for dinner tonight; leftovers for a shepherd's pie tomorrow night). Just little things but, a couple of minutes of organization save a lot expensive "bread & milk" grocery runs!

thriftyMomz@yahoo.com said...

I sent this to all of my frugal Facebook friends as well!

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